Help Build Your CALM Community

Light up the map!

We want to build a pool of grassroots supporters in every community. You are important and can make a difference.

We want to build a pool of grassroots supporters in every community. You are important and can make a difference. CALM will work to develop relationships with police departments to promote policies and training that advance civility, respect, and public safety.

Communities no longer trust law enforcement and are fearful of interaction and confrontation.  This dynamic does not advance public safety; it makes it more difficult. The best eyes and ears on the ground are the people.  Information sharing is critical to solving crimes, and civilians are less likely to report useful tips and information that advance community protection when they are fearful or distrustful of the police. What happened to having a conversation and listening to people who may be able to provide information?  We need to bring it back!

Most police department policies regarding response tactics, such as lethal force, are not publicly available.  Following the September 11 attacks, police departments acquired advanced technological weapons and civil liberties were curbed. A simple conversation surrounding a potential arrest or suspect came to be viewed as “interfering” with or “resisting” arrest.  Assault on Police Officer (APO) laws have been overused and applied in circumstances that border on the ridiculous.  People have been tasered, beaten, arrested, shot, or killed when trying to have a civil conversation with a law enforcement officer.

CALM will work with police departments to amend policies, restrict the use of excessive and lethal force, and establish programs that cultivate and advance public trust and reduce crime.  CALM respects the need for law enforcement to be able to react appropriately when facing imminent danger, but believes the least amount of force to be effective should be the norm, not the exception.

Transparent policies and training of police forces on how to build community trust, de-escalate situations, and use minimal force will help build a better America.

The voice of the people can change police conduct.  CALM needs a pool of supporters in every community!  The more supporters, the bigger the voice.  If you are over 13 years of age, sign up for alerts, newsletters, and news about your community.

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